I recently upgraded our system to version 7.7.1 and while WebAccess is working fine with integrated login, Console users are not able to log in. In the console window they get Login Failed.
I turned on diagnostic logging and the log shows:
Authenticate User Logon at 2014-05-09 11:06:53.123
Logon Policy: IntegratedOnly
User Name:
User Guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Password: lX/UtbxHXd0=
Windows Principal (used for Integrated Logon):
Network Logon Hash (used for Integrated Logon):
Is Integrated Logon: False
Is Interactive: True
Logon Status: Explicit
Group Name:
Group Guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Reason for Logon Failure: UserNotSpecified
Logon failed
at Touchpaper.Framework.SystemServices.Authenticator.ValidateCredentials(ITpsCredentials tpsCredentials, Boolean isAnonymous)
at Touchpaper.Framework.SystemServices.Authenticator.Logon(ITpsSession tpsSession, ITpsEnvironment environment, ITpsCredentials tpsCredentials, Boolean isAnonymous)
A can log in as sa if I point to the correct instance both from the server and from client workstations.
Just for additional info, if I do not upgrade the client software and leave it at our old version (7.5 SP1), then users can login with no issue even though the back end is on 7.7.1
Any assistance would be appreciated.