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Re: IE11 No patches available


OK, This is the patched IE11 patch definition. Landesk will be updating the one in the cloud so it can be distributed to all core servers downloading content.


Please do the following :


1. Import the attached XML file in the patch window then scan your computers

2. Make sure IE11 is in the Scan folder.
3. Run a Security Scan on the client.
4. Now IE11 will be detected as needed.


If you have a task to automatically dowload new definitions, you may want to stop that until Landesk releases it to everybody, otherwise your new IE11 definition will be overwritten by the old one from Landesk.


Save the following code as V_ENU_IE11.xml:


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<Vulnerability xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" Lang="ENU" Vul_ID="IE11" Revision="1">


  <Groups />













    <Patch UniqueFilename="ie11-windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe" Hash="fTR5uQB/PAZwlAwbEKNhXw==" Silent="CRSYes" Reboot="RYes" Size="29720784">



        <DetectScript>Option Explicit

Dim strWinDir,strSystem32,strDrivers,strOs,strFonts,strProgramFileDir

Dim boundary


Const OSbd ="20000"



boundary = OSbd


strWinDir=ReadRegValue("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRoot")

strSystem32 =strWinDir &amp; "\System32\"

strDrivers = strSystem32 &amp; "drivers\"

strOs= ReadRegValue("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion") &amp; "." &amp; ReadRegValue("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentBuild")



Const IE11Version = "11.0.9600.16428"

Dim IEVersion

    IEVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strProgramFileDir &amp; "\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")




Sub Main


    If IECheck Then

        log "IE version less than IE11,one of the pre condition of IE11 installation meet."


        log "IE version great than 11."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2639308Check Then

        log "The patch KB2639308 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2639308 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2882822Check Then

        log "The patch KB2882822 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2882822 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If   


    If KB2888049Check Then

        log "The patch KB2888049 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2888049 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2786081Check Then

        log "The patch KB2786081 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2786081 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2670838Check Then

        log "The patch KB2670838 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2670838 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2834140Check Then

        log "The patch KB2834140 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2834140 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2533623Check Then

        log "The patch KB2533623 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2731771Check Then

        log "The patch KB2731771 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2731771 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2729094InstallCheck Then

        log "The patch KB2729094 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2729094 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If



    Report True, IE11Version,  "All prerequisite updates had been installed. IE11 can be installed on your OS. The current IE version is " &amp; IEVersion &amp; " lower than " &amp; IE11Version &amp; ".", IEVersion


End Sub


Function IECheck()

    Dim IEVersion_SP,IE11Version_SP,i,j,nBit



     i = 0

     j = 0

    IE11Version_SP = Split(IE11Version, ".", -1, 1)

    nBit = UBound (IE11Version_SP)   

        If IEVersion &lt;&gt; "" then

        log "IEVersion :"&amp; IEVersion

            IEVersion_SP = Split(IEVersion, ".", -1, 1)


           log "IE version is null"

           Exit Function

        End If

     Do While (i&lt;=nBit And j &lt;= nBit)

        if Cint(IE11Version_SP(i)) &gt; Cint(IEVersion_SP(j)) then

           IECheck = True

           log "IE Version less than IE11"

           log IE11Version_SP(i)

           log IEVersion_SP(j)

        exit do

        end if


        if Cint(IE11Version_SP(i)) &lt; Cint(IEVersion_SP(j)) then

           IECheck = False

           log "Local IE Version great than IE11 Version"

           exit Function

        end if


     i = i +1

     j = j + 1




End Function 


Function KB2834140Check()

    Const KB2834140_GDR = "6.2.9200.16570"

    Const KB2834140_LDR = "6.2.9200.16570"


    Dim KB2834140_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2834140_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "d3d11.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2834140_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2834140_FileVersion &lt; KB2834140_GDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2834140_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2834140Check = False


            KB2834140Check = True

        End If


        If KB2834140_FileVersion &lt; KB2834140_LDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2834140_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2834140Check = False


            KB2834140Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function


Function KB2786081Check()

    Const KB2786081_GDR = "6.1.7601.18010"

    Const KB2786081_LDR = "6.1.7601.22172"


    Dim KB2786081_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2786081_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "taskhost.exe")

        subVersion =split(KB2786081_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2786081_FileVersion &lt; KB2786081_GDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2786081_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2786081Check = False


            KB2786081Check = True

        End If


        If KB2786081_FileVersion &lt; KB2786081_LDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2786081_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2786081Check = False


            KB2786081Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function



Function KB2670838Check()

    Const KB2670838_GDR = "6.2.9200.16492"

    Const  KB2670838_LDR = "6,2,9200,16492"       


    Dim KB2670838_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2670838_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2670838_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2670838_FileVersion &lt; KB2670838_GDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2670838_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2670838Check = False


            KB2670838Check = True

        End If


        If KB2670838_FileVersion &lt; KB2670838_LDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2670838_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2670838Check = False


            KB2670838Check = True

        End If

    End If    


End Function




Function KB2639308Check()

    Const KB2639308_GDR = "6,1,7601,17727"

    Const KB2639308_LDR = "6,1,7601,21863"       


    Dim KB2639308_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2639308_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "Ntoskrnl.exe")

        subVersion =split(KB2639308_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2639308_FileVersion &lt; KB2639308_GDR Then

            log "Ntoskrnl.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2639308_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2639308Check = False


            KB2639308Check = True

        End If


        If KB2639308_FileVersion &lt; KB2639308_LDR Then

            log "Ntoskrnl.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2639308_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2639308Check = False


            KB2639308Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function



Function KB2533623Check()

    Const KB2533623_GDR = "6.1.7601.17617"

    Const KB2533623_LDR = "6.1.7601.21728"       


    Dim KB2533623_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2533623_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2533623_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2533623_FileVersion &lt; KB2533623_GDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2533623_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2533623Check = False


            KB2533623Check = True

        End If


        If KB2533623_FileVersion &lt; KB2533623_LDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2533623_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2533623Check = False


            KB2533623Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function




Function KB2731771Check()

    Const KB2731771_GDR = "6.1.7601.17932"

    Const KB2731771_LDR = "6.1.7601.22091"       


    Dim KB2731771_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2731771_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "kernel32.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2731771_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2731771_FileVersion &lt; KB2731771_GDR Then

            log "KB2731771_kernel32 Version less than "&amp;KB2731771_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2731771Check = False


            KB2731771Check = True

        End If


        If KB2731771_FileVersion &lt; KB2731771_LDR Then

            log "KB2731771_kernel32 Version less than "&amp;KB2731771_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2731771Check = False


            KB2731771Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function


Function KB2882822Check()

    Dim packagePath

    Const packageinfo = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB2882822~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~"

    packagePath = ReadRegValue (packageinfo &amp; "\CurrentState")


    If Len(packagePath)&gt;0 Then

        log "CurrentState: " &amp; packagePath

        KB2882822Check = True


        KB2882822Check = False

    End If


End Function   


Function KB2888049Check()

    Dim packagePath

    Const packageinfo = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB2888049~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~"

    packagePath = ReadRegValue (packageinfo &amp; "\CurrentState")


    If Len(packagePath)&gt;0 Then

        log "CurrentState: " &amp; packagePath

        KB2888049Check = True


        KB2888049Check = False

    End If


End Function


Function KB2729094InstallCheck()

    Dim packagePath

    Const packageinfo = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB2729094~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~"

    packagePath = ReadRegValue (packageinfo &amp; "\CurrentState")


    If Len(packagePath)&gt;0 Then

        log "CurrentState: " &amp; packagePath

        KB2729094InstallCheck = True


        KB2729094InstallCheck = False

    End If


End Function



      <Comments />



      <Files />

      <RegKeys />



















        <RegKeys />


          <Cmd Type="Execute">


              <Arg N="PATH" V="%SystemFiles%\pkgmgr.exe" />

              <Arg N="ARGS" V="/quiet /norestart /up:Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~11.2.9600.16428" />

              <Arg N="TIMEOUT" V="%DEFAULTTIMEOUT%" />

              <Arg N="WAIT" V="true" />



          <Cmd Type="RunVbScript">


              <Arg N="ScriptCode" V="Option Explicit[CR][LF][CR][LF]'Main()[CR][LF]SetRebootRequired[CR][LF]ReportRepairResult True, &quot;Restart successfully.&quot;[CR][LF]" />





      <CustVars />


        <Cmd Type="EXECUTEFILE">


            <Arg N="application" V="$(FULLPATHTOBINARY)$(PATCHBINARY)" />

            <Arg N="argString" V="/quiet /passive /norestart /update-no" />

            <Arg N="timeout" V="3000" />

            <Arg N="wait" V="true" />





    <Patch UniqueFilename="ie11-windows6.1-x64-en-us.exe" Hash="g5oaTVBD1pTNMkwzk34Arg==" Silent="CRSYes" Reboot="RYes" Size="55915216">



        <DetectScript>Option Explicit

Dim strWinDir,strSystem32,strDrivers,strOs,strFonts,strProgramFileDir

Dim boundary


Const OSbd ="20000"



boundary = OSbd


strWinDir=ReadRegValue("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRoot")

strSystem32 =strWinDir &amp; "\System32\"

strDrivers = strSystem32 &amp; "drivers\"

strOs= ReadRegValue("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion") &amp; "." &amp; ReadRegValue("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentBuild")



Const IE11Version = "11.0.9600.16428"

Dim IEVersion

    IEVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strProgramFileDir &amp; "\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")




Sub Main


    If IECheck Then

        log "IE version less than IE11,one of the pre condition of IE11 installation meet."


        log "IE version great than 11."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2639308Check Then

        log "The patch KB2639308 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2639308 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2882822Check Then

        log "The patch KB2882822 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2882822 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If   


    If KB2888049Check Then

        log "The patch KB2888049 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2888049 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2786081Check Then

        log "The patch KB2786081 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2786081 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2670838Check Then

        log "The patch KB2670838 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2670838 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2834140Check Then

        log "The patch KB2834140 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2834140 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2533623Check Then

        log "The patch KB2533623 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2731771Check Then

        log "The patch KB2731771 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2731771 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If


    If KB2729094InstallCheck Then

        log "The patch KB2729094 already installed, one of the pre KB of IE11 installation meet."


        log "The patch KB2729094 not installed."

        Exit Sub

    End If



    Report True, IE11Version,  "All prerequisite updates had been installed. IE11 can be installed on your OS. The current IE version is " &amp; IEVersion &amp; " lower than " &amp; IE11Version &amp; ".", IEVersion



End Sub


Function IECheck()

    Dim IEVersion_SP,IE11Version_SP,i,j,nBit



     i = 0

     j = 0

    IE11Version_SP = Split(IE11Version, ".", -1, 1)

    nBit = UBound (IE11Version_SP)   

        If IEVersion &lt;&gt; "" then

        log "IEVersion :"&amp; IEVersion

            IEVersion_SP = Split(IEVersion, ".", -1, 1)


           log "IE version is null"

           Exit Function

        End If

     Do While (i&lt;=nBit And j &lt;= nBit)

        if Cint(IE11Version_SP(i)) &gt; Cint(IEVersion_SP(j)) then

           IECheck = True

           log "IE Version less than IE11"

           log IE11Version_SP(i)

           log IEVersion_SP(j)

        exit do

        end if


        if Cint(IE11Version_SP(i)) &lt; Cint(IEVersion_SP(j)) then

           IECheck = False

           log "Local IE Version great than IE11 Version"

           exit Function

        end if


     i = i +1

     j = j + 1




End Function  


Function KB2834140Check()

    Const KB2834140_GDR = "6.2.9200.16570"

    Const KB2834140_LDR = "6.2.9200.16570"


    Dim KB2834140_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2834140_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "d3d11.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2834140_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2834140_FileVersion &lt; KB2834140_GDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2834140_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2834140Check = False


            KB2834140Check = True

        End If


        If KB2834140_FileVersion &lt; KB2834140_LDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2834140_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2834140Check = False


            KB2834140Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function


Function KB2786081Check()

    Const KB2786081_GDR = "6.1.7601.18010"

    Const KB2786081_LDR = "6.1.7601.22172"


    Dim KB2786081_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2786081_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "taskhost.exe")

        subVersion =split(KB2786081_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2786081_FileVersion &lt; KB2786081_GDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2786081_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2786081Check = False


            KB2786081Check = True

        End If


        If KB2786081_FileVersion &lt; KB2786081_LDR Then

            log "taskhost.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2786081_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2786081Check = False


            KB2786081Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function



Function KB2670838Check()

    Const KB2670838_GDR = "6.2.9200.16492"

    Const  KB2670838_LDR = "6,2,9200,16492"       


    Dim KB2670838_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2670838_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2670838_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2670838_FileVersion &lt; KB2670838_GDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2670838_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2670838Check = False


            KB2670838Check = True

        End If


        If KB2670838_FileVersion &lt; KB2670838_LDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2670838_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2670838Check = False


            KB2670838Check = True

        End If

    End If    


End Function




Function KB2639308Check()

    Const KB2639308_GDR = "6,1,7601,17727"

    Const KB2639308_LDR = "6,1,7601,21863"       


    Dim KB2639308_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2639308_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "Ntoskrnl.exe")

        subVersion =split(KB2639308_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2639308_FileVersion &lt; KB2639308_GDR Then

            log "Ntoskrnl.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2639308_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2639308Check = False


            KB2639308Check = True

        End If


        If KB2639308_FileVersion &lt; KB2639308_LDR Then

            log "Ntoskrnl.exe Version less than "&amp;KB2639308_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2639308Check = False


            KB2639308Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function



Function KB2533623Check()

    Const KB2533623_GDR = "6.1.7601.17617"

    Const KB2533623_LDR = "6.1.7601.21728"       


    Dim KB2533623_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2533623_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2533623_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2533623_FileVersion &lt; KB2533623_GDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2533623_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2533623Check = False


            KB2533623Check = True

        End If


        If KB2533623_FileVersion &lt; KB2533623_LDR Then

            log "api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll Version less than "&amp;KB2533623_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2533623Check = False


            KB2533623Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function




Function KB2731771Check()

    Const KB2731771_GDR = "6.1.7601.17932"

    Const KB2731771_LDR = "6.1.7601.22091"       


    Dim KB2731771_FileVersion,subVersion

        KB2731771_FileVersion = GetFileVersionLocal (strSystem32 &amp; "kernel32.dll")

        subVersion =split(KB2731771_FileVersion,".",-1, 1)


    If subVersion(3)&lt;boundary then

        If KB2731771_FileVersion &lt; KB2731771_GDR Then

            log "KB2731771_kernel32 Version less than "&amp;KB2731771_GDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2731771Check = False


            KB2731771Check = True

        End If


        If KB2731771_FileVersion &lt; KB2731771_LDR Then

            log "KB2731771_kernel32 Version less than "&amp;KB2731771_LDR&amp;",IE11 can not be installed."

            KB2731771Check = False


            KB2731771Check = True

        End If

    End If


End Function


Function KB2882822Check()

    Dim packagePath

    Const packageinfo = "HKLM(x64)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB2882822~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"

    packagePath = ReadRegValue (packageinfo &amp; "\CurrentState")


    If Len(packagePath)&gt;0 Then

        log "CurrentState: " &amp; packagePath

        KB2882822Check = True


        KB2882822Check = False

    End If


End Function


Function KB2888049Check()

    Dim packagePath

    Const packageinfo = "HKLM(x64)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB2888049~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"

    packagePath = ReadRegValue (packageinfo &amp; "\CurrentState")


    If Len(packagePath)&gt;0 Then

        log "CurrentState: " &amp; packagePath

        KB2888049Check = True


        KB2888049Check = False

    End If


End Function


Function KB2729094InstallCheck()

    Dim packagePath

    Const packageinfo = "HKLM(x64)\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB2729094~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~"

    packagePath = ReadRegValue (packageinfo &amp; "\CurrentState")


    If Len(packagePath)&gt;0 Then

        log "CurrentState: " &amp; packagePath

        KB2729094InstallCheck = True


        KB2729094InstallCheck = False

    End If


End Function



      <Comments />



      <Files />

      <RegKeys />





















        <RegKeys />


          <Cmd Type="Execute">


              <Arg N="PATH" V="%SystemFiles(x64)%\pkgmgr.exe" />

              <Arg N="ARGS" V="/quiet /norestart /up:Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Package-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~11.2.9600.16428" />

              <Arg N="TIMEOUT" V="%DEFAULTTIMEOUT%" />

              <Arg N="WAIT" V="true" />



          <Cmd Type="RunVbScript">


              <Arg N="ScriptCode" V="Option Explicit[CR][LF][CR][LF]'Main()[CR][LF]SetRebootRequired[CR][LF]ReportRepairResult True, &quot;Restart successfully.&quot;[CR][LF]" />





      <CustVars />


        <Cmd Type="EXECUTEFILE">


            <Arg N="application" V="$(FULLPATHTOBINARY)$(PATCHBINARY)" />

            <Arg N="argString" V="/quiet /passive /norestart /update-no" />

            <Arg N="timeout" V="3000" />

            <Arg N="wait" V="true" />







  <Title>Internet Explorer 11 is now available</Title>

  <Description>Internet Explorer 11 is now available for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

There are a number of prerequisites required to install IE11.

The following KB explains, How to obtain prerequisite updates for Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 that fail to install:




The following are prerequisites for installing IE:

·         KB2670838

·         KB2882822

·         KB2888049

·         KB2639308

·         KB2731771

·         KB2786081

·         KB2834140

·         KB2729094

·         KB2533623

For additional information concerning this update, please click on the More Information at: link near the bottom of this dialogue.</Description>










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