Hi there,
Is there a way to créate a LANDESK custom script to add a registry key ?
I have created the following custom script but altought it completes succesfuly when scheduled, the new registry key is not created inthe client computer.
Any ideas?
; LANDesk(R) Management Suite Custom Script
; JOBPARAM = Controls various configuration options on a per script basis.
; The following is a sample of what this section might look like:
; PREMACHINE - Processed once at start of job. Only the local (LOCxxx)
; commands can be used in this section. Use this section as well for
; jobs with no associated machines.
; MULTICAST - This section is used to control the targeted multicast.
; MACHINES - This section is run once for each machine in the target set.
; Commands in this section will be processed in the order they are listed
; in the custom script. This section supports both local (LOCxxx) and remote
; (REMxxx) commands.
; MACHINES_95 - After the commands in the MACHINES section have been processed
; this section will be processed for each machine that is a Windows* 9x system.
; The type of computer is determined by the information returned by PDS when
; the computer is discovered. Like the MACHINES section this section can include
; both local (LOCxxx) and remote (REMxxx) commands.
; MACHINES_NT - After the commands in the MACHINES section have been processed
; this section will be processed for each machine that is a Windows NT* or
; Windows* 2000 system. The type of computer is determined by the information
; returned by PDS when the computer is discovered. Like the MACHINES section
; this section can include both local (LOCxxx) and remote (REMxxx) commands.
REG0=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\viscofan\Scope\Scope, ViscofanScopeTest1, , REG_SZ, DONOTDELETE
; POSTMACHINE - After all of the individual machines have been processed the
; commands in this section are processed. If there were no machines that can
; be run in the scheduled task this section will not be processed. This section
; only supports the local (LOCxxxx) commands.