You are right, the .scn is placed in the ldlogon folder, I checked this at my core. Sorry for the wrong info.
I played a little bit with the inventory settings and activated the "Store Scan" option to see if a scan files is created in the ...\ldscan\Storage folder and restarted the inventory scan.
After that, I was not able to create a bare metal server too.
For your information, I always used the same Name (test) and MAC address (111111111111) for testing. Because it wasn’t working, I changed Name (test1) and MAC address (2222222222) and the device was created correctly. After that I was able to create my first test device too….
Very strange behaviour but maybe it’s worth a try. Just try to create a test device and see if this is created correctly and then create the device with the MAC you really need.
Hope this helps