Hi Stu,
It returns nothing. When I add a "+ 1" to the end of the return string I still get nothing which suggests an error rather than a null value.
Unfortunately, due to the way the Dev servers were set up on a Hyper-V cluster I don't have rights (even as an admin) to enable logging (and won't do so until it is migrated to ESX) - don't even ask...:)
If I try the Test button I get "function not available at client"...
As it's an int32 field I can't use Try/Catch either.
import System
static def GetAttributeValue(Resolution):
TimePeriod = Resolution.Incident.GetBusinessTime(Resolution.CreationDate, Resolution.Incident.BreachTime)
Varmins = Int32.Parse(String.Format("{0}", Math.Floor(TimePeriod.TotalMinutes))) + 1
return Varmins
Dependencies I've added are Incident and CreationDate.
Any other ideas? Has anyone else tried this?