To be added, I managed to capture the image through provisioning but still normal OSD scripts not working. The strange thing is after I capture by provisioning I am unable to deploy by normal OSD scripts, also stuck x:\ldclient\drvmap.exe for while and then nothing happened!
here is the log error for the OSD
"ERR_Fail",-1917190197,0:02:28,11/2/2014 3:28:03 PM,11/2/2014 3:30:31 PM,"ldrun drvmap.exe BISDC01\administrator 10873FB2DDB14CE04AA546C741B I: """\\\Images""", STATUS FACILITY=3513"
I tried also to do deploy by provisioning also it failed at the end and I copy the last error i got in the logfile here:
Error: Unable to find user 'WORKGROUP\BISCOM$' in the ConsoleUser table
I have workgroup environment as this is a demo presentation for one big company here. I never created a username like this in the log before!
Please guys help!!