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Create 3 levels of dependency on the item configuration database


I am implementing LANDesk Service Desk and tried to set three levels of dependence on configuration items, which must be shown as follows: Client (list of company names of our clients) - Service (list of services that we provide to the selected client) - Active Service (list ofconfigurationitemsthat belongto the selected service).

With this I intend to create incidents and differentiated by customer requirements and contracted services for each of these, in addition to the assets of the services



ClientServiceService Asset
ENTELVirtual MachineENTEL_SRV-DC01.entel.local
ENTELVirtual MachineENTEL_enteldev1.entel.local
ENTELProduction network10.10.1.0
ENTELOperative System AdministrationENTEL_entelsrv.entel.local
ENTELExchange AdministrationENTEL_EXCHSRV01.entel.local
ENTELVirtual MachineENTEL_EXCHSRV01.entel.local
ENTELAntivirus AdministrationENTEL_entelsrv.entel.local
ClaroVirtual MachineClaro_EXCHSRV04.claro.local
ClaroVirtual MachineClaro_EXCHSRV03.claro.local
ClaroVirtual MachineClaro_fserver01.claro.local
VTRVirtual MachineVTR_APPCLT1.vtr.local
VTRProduction network192.168.10.0
VTRActive Directory AdministrationVTR_SRVDC1.vtr.local
VTRVirtual MachineVTR_fserver01.vtr.local
VTRVirtual MachineVTR_SRVDC1.vtr.local

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