Hi Christian,
I tried the "DISM.EXE /Get-MountedWimInfo" and it said that nothing was mounted.
More than 20Go of free space on both disks.
When I try the "dism.exe /mount-wim /wimfile:"D:\Program Files (x86)\LANDesk\ManagementSuite\landesk\vboot\boot.wim.BAK" /index:1 /mountdir:"C:\Users\xpyc564\AppData\Local\Temp\26\imgtmp\original_boot_wim
It returns this :
Error: 1314
A required privilege is not held by the client.
The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log
I made some research and I found out that this error occurs when the user running dism.exe doesn't have the User Right "Manage auditing and security log".
That's the case on this server. I tried and it doesn't work... Same message.