To modify the shortcuts on the left handside of the console, just right click on the left handside(just about anywhere on the left hand side) while logged in using an account that has the administrator role and select Manage Shortcuts. From there, you will see a two tab window open. The first, Manage Shortcut Groups, is used to place the Shortcuts where you would like and add the individual Components to that Shortcut Group. The second tab, Publish Shortcut Groups, is where you can select which user, group, and/or role you would like to be able to see the Shortcut Group.
You can't control who has access to specific Components within the same Shortcut Group. Meaning, analysts Bob, Mary, and Jim can see Shortcut Group A. However, only Bob and Mary can see all four Components, while Jim can only see one. You can't control that type of permissioning here. Depending on what you are trying to limit, there might be a way to limit access to specific Components within the same Shortcut Group.
Hope that helps.