Your incident breaches at 75%? I bet you meant 100%. If your SLA at 100% sets breach and a color, is that color not the breach color? Mine turn hot pink at 100% and even though I also send e-mail at 125%, I don't change the color again so that all breached incidents are hot pink.
Colors often are not enough so we have added a calculation that shows up on almost every dashboard. We call it Burn Percent. As you might guess, it shows the percent of the time used on an incident so it starts at 0 and goes to 100%, only integers.
import System
static def GetAttributeValue(Incident):
Value = 0
V = 1
X = 1
if Incident.Severity.Title == '1':
V = 120
if Incident.Severity.Title == '2':
V = 660
if Incident.Severity.Title == '3':
V = 1980
if Incident.Severity.Title == '4':
V = 3300
if Incident.Severity.Title == '7':
V = 21600
X = Incident.MinutesToBreach()
Value = 100-((X * 100) / V)
return Value
Your severity minutes will almost certainly be different but I think you get the idea. MinutesToBreach is a Service Desk business function that is real handy.