I am running MacOS X 10.8.5 on a MacbookPro, and when I wake from sleep, I invariably get 3-4 extremely annoying sound alerts. I've tracked them down to these messages displayed in a Terminal.app window (I always have Terminal running):
Broadcast Message from root@scl-1mjaffe-m.local
(no tty) at 20:09 PDT...
ldscan.pid lock failed, another instance of ldiscan may be running.
Broadcast Message from root@scl-1mjaffe-m.local
(no tty) at 20:09 PDT...
ldscan.pid lock failed: Resource temporarily unavailable (35).
Broadcast Message from root@scl-1mjaffe-m.local
(no tty) at 20:09 PDT...
Error, unable to connect to the core server
Broadcast Message from root@scl-1mjaffe-m.local
(no tty) at 20:09 PDT...
No destination. Not scanning to the core, and not scanning to file, stopping sc
anning now.
Is there any way to stop this?