Hi all
While prepping servers for patching, the job was created with two separate tasks (stage and repair). However, out of 100+ boxes, when the staging was complete on one of the servers, it actually launched the repair process, patching and rebooting the box in the middle of the day.
Checked the vulscan logs and the first line shows how the task was to stage the server
Command line: /repair "group=CoreServer_v377" /stageOnly /AgentBehavior=CoreServer_v57 /taskid=5442
The patches are all downloaded and everything looks good. Then I see this in the log:
Grabbed the next 'Continue' task. Parsing new commandline.
Command line: "/taskid=5357" /peerdownload "/agentbehavior=CoreServer_v57" /repair "group=CoreServer_v377" /RepairCount=4
The stage task was scheduled for 2pm today but the actual repair task is scheduled for Monday, June 16th @ 2am.
We have always done this before (stage before patch) and this is the first time we have seen this. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Any idea the root cause?