Hello Mark,
Thanks for quick response.
I intentionally didn't use the, As Desired option with Portal Deployment. I don't want users to deploy SAP multiple times, when its installed it should be removed from the Portal so the user knows it's done.
Only when the user uninstalled the package i want the user to be able to start the deployment process from the start.
Remove PC from task ( because has succesfull status )
Refresh full inventory ( to remove detection rule entrie from inventory )
Read the computer to the task
Start working or waiting.
Then i hope the task will just advertise itself back in the Portal but it doesn't. The working of the delievery methods sound now like deploy once and "never again" ?
PS. For Detection, so this is not adviced to use it as an installation detection ? Although the working is perfect for it ? Tried both ways... Detection is working or us ..... !
Detection will give you output succesfull when already installed so the pc in the task will jump to succesfull rigth away, this is what we expect and hope...we use it for batch file distribtutions
Pre-Requisites will query for the installation ) .exe or so and you can query if it's not availble let it true but the status will be failed .... although it shoulds be succesfull as the correct status is that the installation has been succesfull.
BTW the status of detections is changed in 9.5 SP2 before that the status was failed for detection too.