I'm fairly new to this, so apologies if this is in the wrong place, or the question is obvious!
Logging an Incident in Landesk servicedesk 7.6.1 via web you select what at the time is the relevant category. But then when closing the incident you also have to select the a category on the closure window, you may or may not use the same category, depending on what the problem ended up being.
Both of our category lists point to the same list which is nice and tidy. Is it possible to pull across the Incident Category into the Closure Category on the Closure window? so it defaults to the Incident category, but it's possible to change it if you want to.
We've done something similar if the Close on Creation box is ticked, the close action in the process pulls through incident category. I guess this is because it's an automatic action and you don't see the window popup, making this possible. Is it possible to do the same on the manual Close action?