We use a script within our email-server to append the e-mail alias into the title of an incident.
e-mail alias: software@servicedesk.de
title before: problem xyz
title after: problem xyz #software@servicedesk.de#
This text between the ## is used to automaticaly set a category which the incident is forwarded to.
This works well!
But everytime a note is added to the incident, an e-mail is sent adding an additional "##" entry to the title.
So I would like to delete the "##" entry from the title after it has been evaluated.
I wrote a script which should replace the ## and the including text by an empty string.
This is the script:
import System
static def GetAttributeValue(Incident):
Value = null
IncidentTitleLower = Incident.Title.ToLower()
Value = IncidentTitleLower.Replace(/#.*#/,"")
return Value
It is the calculation of the title.
The RegExp should be ok as this Check shows:
But the title has not been changed.
Could you please help?
Regards, George