Hello All,
Sorry about the long background before I get to the Calculation question. Just thought the background would assist in what and why I am doing what I am doing. We are using LDSD 7.7.1 HF1
So here is the background for my issue. We have an object called SR RFA Details (_SRRFADetails) within Incident Management. It has the basic create, update, and details attributes within it. We also created a 1 to 1 with System User by dragging and dropping User onto SR RFA Details and clicking no to creating a collection on System.User. We applied a filter to this to limit the display to the members of a specific group. This is working as intended.
This basically allows an Analyst, those with permissions, to use an action which opens this _SRRFADetails collection, click the drop down and select a member of the group we are limiting by the filter. We are not wanting an assignment made, just a name stamped on this collection so we can reference it. It is also easily managed by adding and removing members of the Group.
As stated before this is working as intended. Where we run into issues is when trying to display this how we want in a query. Our current query is based on this object, using specific criteria, and placing a grouping requirement on the query. The grouping requirement is by the 1 to 1 link we made with System User. This is done by using _User.Title. What this does is show the grouping by the entries/selections of this attribute, however, what this also does is show every single collection created. So if I have a ticket and change this multiple times, this will show multiple entries in the query. Of course this occurs, this is what I am asking it to do(although it is not what I want)!
So the thought was to either create a string attribute within the SRRFADetails object and make a calculation to display/write the latest entry of _User.Title that was selected. We also attempted this on another User 1-to-1 by dragging another up and making the calculation on it. Needless to say, everything I have attempted has not worked. Here are my two calculations I have. One is on the string and one is on the second User attribute.
This is my String Calc(RFA Calc):
import System static def GetAttributeValue(_SRRFADetails): Value = _SRRFADetails.Latest()._User.Title return Value
Auto-detect dependencies (Unchecked)
Here is the Calc on the second User attribute(RFA Calc2) :
import System static def GetAttributeValue(_SRRFADetails): Value = _SRRFADetails._User.Latest().User if Value != null: return Value
Auto-detect dependencies (Unchecked)
Thank you,