Please I need your advices concerning this need.
LDSD receive from a third party an email that should update automatically the process depending in Mail body Information.
I don't see how can I do this by Inbound Mail services. I need to parse body content and extract Status Field (and other informations like group)
Can sommeone have an idea about this ?
Here an example of recevied Mail
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<intervenant>SCC MCO</intervenant>
<dateGeneration>01/09/2014 14:02</dateGeneration>
<dateCreation>29/08/2014 11:05</dateCreation>
<dateFinIntervention>01/09/2014 13:50</dateFinIntervention>
<description>Remplacement Imprimante Lexmark printer 2400 series.Ancien SN. 8N-86332.New.SN.8N-26890.Type 2480.Test impression en ligne, okCdt,Mr Prieur. Arrival: 13:15 01/09/14 Leaving: 13:50 01/09/14
01.09.2014 13:57:12</description>
<status>SCC TRAITE</status>