RC is configured, to a great degree, in the "Agent Settings" area. Look under "Tools | Configuration | Agent Settings". In there you will notice there is an "Agent Setting" for Remote Control. More important than admin to a desktop is what you have selected for "Security Settings". We have ours set to use "Windows NT Security / Local Template" for the workstations and "Integrated Security" for the servers; The workstations have an AD Group in the Local Admin allowing access for Service team members whilst the servers have a select AD group that we are using to only allow server managers to remote them. As you can see we control who has access with the Agent Settings. The great thing is that we can have a number of saved configurations that we can use on various agents. Additionally it is not necessary to completely replace an agent if you alter these settings. Just make the changes to your agent setting, go to the agent configuration and, under remote control, choose the RC setting that you want to use and save that agent. Note: if you use an advance agent or stand alone package you may wish to update them. However, all you have to do to enforce the setting is use the "Schedule update to agent settings" .