The calc checks the collection and returns a ‘True’ Value on the first item in the collection if it contains the string ‘CIMS 4.0’, but doesn’t seem to check the rest of the items in the collection. My intent is for it to check each item in the collection, and if ANY of them contain this value, ‘CIMS 4.0’ then it will return a value of ‘True’.
import System
static def GetAttributeValue(Request):
Value = 'False'
for Version in Request._EndUser.UserConfigItems:
if Version.ConfigItem._CIMSVersion._CIMSVersion == 'CIMS 4.0':
if Version.ConfigItem._CIMSVersion._CIMSVersion != null:
Value = 'True'
return Value
Can you see why the calc might not be looking at all items in the collection to check for that value?