Z, I cannot say how this would work on that fancy multi core solution you guys have (just ribbing, of course). I did send that question to the vendor, but it may be better to ask Torsten Zech at five(9)s. I am guessing here, but what you load is mostly db statements and such with an app pool that loads to the core server IIS (dunno how this would react to IIS off core). I know that they mentioned our LPM and how they could connect to it and automate their solution even further. The key to five(9)s appears to be that they have people coding things to simply automate. They suggested that they can make things to fit specific needs. I will say that the key to this all running is setting up the SD tasks / migrating them into the five(9)s product and then the automation can take off. So, and this too is a guess, they have a module running tasks and doing cleanup and it appears to take place in SQL, for a large part. So that would make it DB sensitive rather than individually sensitive to a specific core (as opposed to more than one core able to run any operation on a shared db / SQL Server.
Vendor Response: To answer your question: We do not support multi-core environments out of a single console, but it is possible to install the console on every core so you can switch between the webpages.