My company just purchased the Total user management suite from Landesk. I have installed the core server and deployed the agent to a point group of IT users. I am having some trouble finding information as far as best practices and/or a quick start guide. I will be taking the bootcamp probably next month but wanted to get a little more exposure before hand. Any suggestions or recommendations on setting up a new environment would be greatly appreciated. Any gotchas I should watch out for or best practices on structure of users and machines. Also IT Roles and Responsibilities. Who is in change of what modules? How many people does it require? How much time does it take to do this right?
A little about our environment. We are a small 24 hour Hotel and Casino with about 600 client devices. 24 hour IT operations with 15 personnel ranging from network/system administrators to desktop technicians/Help desk. No desktop management has ever been used. Everything is done manually.
As for myself. At my last place of employment I was a member of the Novell ZENWorks team. So I do have some limited experience in desktop management although I am completely new to the LanDesk product. I was the driving force to getting some sort of Desktop management when I came onboard as I know the value of this type of system. We looked at several vendors and we all agreed that LanDesk seemed to be a good fit for our environment.
So all that being said. I am excited to learn more and start using Landesk. Any pointers and/or suggestions anyone has would to greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advanced.