I've gone throug the steps I've seen in the forums here for reconfiguring the reg. entries to adjust the amount of time that files will stay in the SDMCache folder. We're attempting to get patches to stay in there longer than 2 days if we can.
However, I tested out the changes by setting the clear time down to a few minutes. Ran some patches through the test computer. If I go into the SDMCache folder the patches are still there well past the time set in the registry. I've tried rebooting, restarting the Multi-cast service on the client, and confirmed that the settings stuck in the registry on the client computer. I've also run an inventory scan on the client as well in case that fires the clear off.
What service or process tells the client to clear the SDMCache and when does it check the reg entries against the dates in the folder? Is there a better way that we could be testing this possibly? There seems to only be a few articles on this process from what I can tell, and I've read through them all multiple times at this point seeing if I missed something.