Still no joy on this one.
Calc error logging shows an "Object not set..." error whenever I run the above calculation on a non-breached call (whichever way round the dates are).
So I've tried different methods (such as below) but still can't find a way of recording time left until breach when resolving incidents.
I don't seem to be able to use the MinutestoBreach function from the Resolution object.
[Before Save calc on Int32 - "Minutes left on SLA at Resolution"]
import System
static def GetAttributeValue(Resolution):
if Resolution.Incident.IsBreached.ToString() == 'False':
if Resolution.Incident.MinutesToBreach() != null:
return Resolution.Incident.MinutesToBreach()
return Resolution.Incident.ResponseLevel.TurnaroundTime
TimePeriod = Resolution.Incident.GetBusinessTime(Resolution.Incident.BreachTime, Resolution.CreationDate)
Varmins = Int32.Parse(String.Format("{0}", Math.Floor(TimePeriod.TotalMinutes)))
return Varmins * -1
Am I doing something stupid?
For the time being I will just record times against *breached* calls on resolution but it seems a shame we can only record this info for the SLAs we missed, not the ones we met.